Michael Shames' Banjos |
The Bacon Banjo Co.
applied the name "Ne Plus Ultra" to their upper tier banjos. This series
started with the # 6 and went up to
the # 9. However, more # 6's were produced than all the other
top numbers put together. Ne Plus Ultra is a Latin term that
translates to "The Ultimate". Most number 6's were produced as seen in
the B&D catalogs of the day, but many
others were custom made, to the owners choice. Pictured here is
one of those. It's serial number of 24204, shows it was built in 1928, and is a cross between a # 6 and a Montana # 7. The neck is made
of ebony. The outer rim of the shell has the classic "snowflake"
design of mother of pearl inlaid into the ebony veneer. All the metal
parts, and engravings are the ones usually found on a # 6. The rest of
the banjo's decorations are those normally seen on a Montana # 7. The
fingerboard, front and back of the peghead, as well as the back of
the resonator are all covered with the pearl grained celluloid known as pyralin,
and identical to the # 7 Montana.
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Created: April 12, 1999
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